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Creativity basket tips for the week: |
Making Gifts with Butterfly School Get Sheets
Special gifts include those we can make together. Making something together gives you time to play side-by-side and time to talk about the special people in your lives. This week, the kid-friendly caterpillars are making special gifts for their favorite butterflies. We hope you will enjoy mixing, wrapping and taping things together. Please note that some projects illustrated (for example, making dough) take more time & patience than usual Butterfly School activities. You don't need to do the activities, you might simply discuss what the caterpillars are doing, focusing on the featured letters, words and gift making theme. If you want to play along with the caterpillars, set reasonable expectations & remember to have fun! See Teacher Tips for simple gifts to share. Here's a quick overview with special tips from my kitchen table to yours . . .
Click here, send us an e-mail & we will subscribe you for our free weekly links! For more great ideas, check out the activities at our parent site Join us for the second part of our holiday materials: sharing & receiving gifts! You are ready for the Activity Sheets now; you can print them from here (go to Activity Sheets), or go back to the Butterfly School home page. From Butterfly Central,
Learning to
give Teacher Tips from Corinne Steigerwald Spend time this week making one simple thing for a person you and your children care about. Making a gift can be an enjoyable way to spend time. Keep things simple and keep your focus on having fun. Explore colors. Take time to feel textures too. Talk about the person your gift is for while you work. Describe the person. Discuss some of the enjoyable times you have shared. Consider the person's interests and tastes. What color does the person like? Does the person enjoy things that are smooth, furry or soft? Try to talk about the way you hope your special person will feel when she receives the gift! Imagine that she will be happy when she sees the time you took to select nice colors, paper and texture. Imagine how she will appreciate your energy and love! You also might take time to make each other a very simple gift -- or a special card. Work together. Ask each other about favorite colors and shapes. Exchange gifts and talk about how each gift makes you feel! Very simple gifts to share: Frame your art! Decorate an 8 1/2 x 11 paper & glue a smaller artwork or photo on top. Or, decorate a paper frame to lay over a favorite photo or drawing! Best refrigerator magnets. Paste picture inside a large 2-3" metal cap (spaghetti sauce jars or apple sauce jars work well). Glue magnet to back. Glue ribbon around edge! Print an uppercase alphabet to read or hang on the wall! Print a lowercase alphabet to read and hang on your refrigerator! Simple dough recipe & pattern to make butterfly sculpture.
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