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Remember an old-fashioned winter!  

Share some history with your favorite children.  Consider sharing an old-fashioned evening with these five special treats.

1.  Dine by candlelight.  Make the food simple so you can pay more attention to each other!

2.  Read a lovely story or poem out loud.  A selection from Little House on the Prairie might be good.  Something that captures the feeling of snow everywhere!  Dylan Thomas captured 'shawling snow' in his Conversation about Christmas  (A Child's Christmas in Wales).

3. Talk about the ways people traveled before automobiles were invented:  horseback, sleighs, carriages, feet!

4.  Sing a song about long ago ...  "Over the River and Through the Woods" is one song many people enjoy.  Add to the fun by personalizing it!

Over the river and through the woods,

To _____'s house we go.

The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh 

Through the white and drifted snow.

Over the river and through the woods

Oh how the wind does blow

It stings the nose, and bites the toes

As over the ground we go!

5.  Play a quick game of charades.  Try acting out nursery rhymes "The Cat and the Fiddle"  "Three Little Pigs"  or book titles  "The Cat in the Hat"  "I Spy"

Finally, you might consider starting a family diary together since you'll want to remember this special evening!  If you have a blank notebook to spare, let each person dictate one sentence about something they enjoyed tonight.  Or, just write a simple letter to save for everyone to open together in a month's time!

More ideas for remembering:  birthdays.

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