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Remembering special birthdays!


Starting at a very young age, children learn to anticipate birthdays. Whether they get the idea from us, from their friends, or friends' parties, it isn't surprising when 2 & 3 year olds start asking when their party will be! (In storytelling, the Bright Pink Bunny enjoys inventing a new celebration when it is too hard to wait for a birthday.)

Share your own birthday memories with your favorite child -- your birthday or the child's. Bring out any photographs you have. Try to include all the juicy details from a child's perspective. Here are some things to remember & share:
Was there cake? What kind was it? How did it taste? How was it decorated?
Did the cake have candles? How many candles? Who blew them out?
Were there wishes? Did they come true?
Who was at the birthday party?
Where was the party?
What was the best thing about the party?

After you talk about the birthday party, you might share a simple project.
1. Make a words & pictures collage together. You might include a birthday photo, captions and drawings of a cake or special present you remember.
2. Pretend to make a cake.
3. Sing "Happy Birthday" to each other, even if it isn't your birthday.

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