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February 6 - February 11, 2001 |
Creativity basket tips for the week: little books for Butterfly School Plain paper to write a letter. |
Butterfly School Winter Flu Get Sheets
Since kids are apt to catch more than one cold each winter, this week we visit another caterpillar kid for restful indoor fun!
Whatever else we planned for the day falls to the bottom of the list, after (1) take temperature -- (2) call doctor's office -- (3) stay on hold while waiting for nurse practitioner while convincing child(ren) to wait patiently and/or stop grabbing toy from sibling -- (4) convince child to take all medicine -- (5) find fun but easy things to do to distract tired child & self. This week's activity sheets offer more simple tips for creative indoor fun whether your child feels healthy or under the weather. This week's kitchen table tips are for taking care of your favorite child when s/he isn't feeling well...
Click here, send us an e-mail & we will subscribe you for our free weekly links! For more great ideas, check out the activities at our parent site Next week, we'll help caterpillars rest & take good care of themselves to get over a cold! You are ready for the Activity Sheets now; you can print them from here (Get Sheets), or go back to the Butterfly School home page.
From Butterfly Central, |
Cozy chairs for learning! Teacher Tips On sick days, you often might end up snuggled on a cozy chair. A soft pillow and blanket are very comforting for young children. Add a favorite stuffed animal or doll and you have a great place for simple learning activities. Here are ten things you might try on a cozy chair day.... 1. Read a favorite story. 2. Think of words that begin with your favorite letter. 3. Count all your fingers and toes. 4. Make pretend phone calls. Practice answering, "Hello, who is calling please?" and "Please hold on." Discuss dialing 911 when you need emergency help. 5. Make up a story with your child's address in it and practice remembering the address "once, ___, who lived at ___ Street, went for a walk. S/he left ___ Street and walked all the way to the end of the street. S/he saw a bird, a tree and a dog! Then s/he walked back to ___ Street and went inside for a delicious snack!" 6. Sing your child's favorite song. 7. Read a poem. 8. Play a favorite song and read the lyrics out loud. 9. Write out a letter to a favorite friend or relative. Let your child dictate, you write the words, let your child decorate! 10. Call one special friend for a quick hello! Coordinated resources: Check our new winter reading ideas before your next trip to the library! little books for Butterfly School Questions for Corinne: |
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