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Here is one of our favorite ways to introduce letters, words and ideas! Making word lists can be a great game to play any time. All you need is paper, a cheerful marker and a handful of great words. Print a blank list (1 - 10) & add your favorite "t" words. Print list of the "t" words listed here.
1. tooth
2. teeth
3. toothbrush
4. toothpaste
5. tongue
6. touch
7. taste
8. toe
9. toes
10. ten
We start by taping a blank piece of paper at a child's eye-level. (A blank pad on an easel works well too.) Next, we invite everyone to play: "let's play a game and try to think of ten words that begin with the letter "t". We write a capital "T" and a lowercase "t": "Here is a capital T and here is a lowercase t. The letter "t" makes the "tuh" sound. Let's all say "tuh." (Enjoy our "T" Activity Sheet.)
Next is the counting part of the game. Write out the numbers 1 - 10 in a list (vertically) running down the page. Write the numbers in a large and bold style. Invite everyone to count along -- or take turns with each person saying the next number before (or as) you write it.
Now, the word game begins. Just remind everyone that the game is to think of ten words that begin with the "tuh" sound & the letter "t". Write each word clearly. Be sure your child can see you while you write. Say each letter's name out loud as you write it. This game helps your child connect letter names and sounds. It also lets them observe that we write one letter at a time to form words.
Here's a sample game/conversation.... just write the words slowly and clearly. Add a simple picture or two to help your child understand the the things you are describing.
1. "T" is for tooth! A tooth is very strong and helps us chew! (Point to a tooth.) Here is one tooth.
2. "T" is for teeth! If there is more than one tooth, we say "teeth." (Point to teeth.) Our teeth are very important. Teeth help us chew! (Draw a simple smile & emphasize a tooth or two teeth!)
3. "T" is for toothbrush! A toothbrush helps us keep our teeth clean. (Sketch a toothbrush -- straight line with a few bristles sticking out will make the point.)
4. "T" is for toothpaste! Toothpaste helps us keep our teeth clean. (Draw a simple "tube" shape -- just a rectangle with a smaller rectangle "top" will be enough to share the idea.)
5. "T" is for tongue. Our tongue is a strong muscle -- using our tongue, we can feel our teeth and our food. (Practice sticking tongues in & out. See if anyone can curl their tongue.)
6. "T" is for touch. We can touch our teeth with our tongue. We can use our fingers to touch our tongue too!
7. "T" is for taste. We can taste food or toothpaste with our tongue.
8. & 9. "T" is for toe & toes. One toe is wonderful, ten toes are fun to wiggle.
10. "T" is for ten! We just thought of ten great "t" words.
After you write out ten words, read them all over again and emphasize the "tuh" sound!
Leave your word list up and review the words tomorrow. Add a few more if you like -- "tip" "tomorrow" "today" "tickle" and "top" are a few more fun "t" words! You'll be surprised how quickly your children can become comfortable with new words after you spend some time introducing each word!
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