Enjoy a spring walk of discovery with your favorite child.


Two walks for spring:  April & May

April:  Early signs of spring

Things to look for:
1. new plant shoots poking up from the earth
2. new leaves on trees or shrubs
3. any signs that people have been cleaning up their homes or yards (fresh paint, piles of raked leaves)

Things to listen for:
1. sounds of birds
2. wind sounds
3. people sounds

May:  Signs of Spring 

Special Activity: Enjoying the color green
If possible, gather crayons or paint sample cards to brush up on some of the different names for shades of green. While you walk, observe as many colors as you can. If the plants you see belong to you or a friend, gather a few samples of the different shades of green that you observe. Dandelion leaves, blades of grass and evergreen needles are different shades of green. Make a temporary green collection or display.

Walking Tips Help your favorite child enjoy observing her surroundings by making a short list of things to look for & sounds to listen for before you begin your walk. Vary the number of things you try to observe based on on the age of your child and the frequency of your walks.

Things to look for:
1. different shades of green -- light green, dark green, forest green, emerald green
2. birds and all things bird-related: nests, feathers, places where birds might like to build a nest (check our new book listing in reading)
3. bugs: flies, ants, spiders

Things to listen for:
1. bug sounds & frog sounds
2. car sounds
3. birds

More Walking Tips When you discover something on your walk, take time for your child to focus on it and try to describe it. Ask questions and help supply your child with words to describe what you see & hear! When you don't find something you were looking for, just keep it in mind as something to observe when you are in a different neighborhood, running errands or visiting!

Each month, we'll post a new set of sights & sounds to search out!

Let us know what you discover! Write to shininghours.com

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