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Recent Talking ideas - Talking Trees 

Our children love to talk!  They are anxious to talk to each other, to friends, and to their favorite grown-ups.  Try something imaginative this month -- try talking trees!


First, sit together near a tree or a picture of a tree.  Share the names of the tree's parts with your child:  roots, trunk, bark, branches, leaves.  Tell your child the tree's name (Oak, Maple, Elm, Apple, Cherry, etc.)


bulletShare the story of one tree with your child.  Explain how a tree begins from a seed, sprouts roots and a shoot and grows taller and taller adding a thick trunk and green leaves.  (check reading for Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf)


bulletAsk your child to tell you the story of another tree, helping him remember each of the steps you shared.


bulletNow pretend that you are both talking trees.  Pretending to be the trees, have a conversation about how the trees grew.  Example:  "Hi!  My name is Maple, what is yours?"  "Hi!  I am oak!"  (You can add motion by waving arms as if they were branches saying hello.)

Maple:  Where did you come from?  

Oak:  I started out as a little seed.  Then I grew roots and a shoot!

Maple:  Me too!  Then I grew taller and taller.  The rain helped me grow.  My roots can drink the water.

Oak:  Mine too!  My trunk grew bark and I grew leaves.  How about you?

Maple:  Me too!  My leaves reached out for the sunshine.  The sun gives me energy!

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