Play Butterfly School every day to celebrate learning. Try our Activity Sheets today!

Children learn to enjoy sharing by making and giving gifts to others.  As you make simple gifts for a special teacher, friend or family member, take time to discuss your warm feelings for him.  Build excitement by discussing how happy he will be to see that you took time to make the card, drawing or craft!  When you select a gift at a store or fair, talk about the item's special qualities that will please your friend -- the color, texture and more.


Simple Gifts -- Memories for every day

bulletWrite out your favorite memory of your grandparents and share it with your children.
bulletRecord a conversation with your parents or grandparents about their favorite holiday celebrations.
bulletShare your voice: make an audio recording of your favorite story.
bulletColor copy your favorite childhood photos for each of your favorite children.

Adopt-a-grandparent programs are run throughout the country. Volunteer an hour a month to get to know an older person in your community. If you are lucky, she’ll adopt you back.


Sharing is one of the most important things we can do with our favorite children.  Sharing our time, our creative energy & our ideas, we help our children learn to enjoy sharing their best selves with others.

Archives:  autumn garden projects.

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